I became PADI scuba certified in Mexico during a family vacation, furthering my love for the ocean. Ever since, my ultimate dream has been to scuba dive in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, the world's largest reef system, and one of the Seven Wonders of the World.
The Great Barrier Reef is so large it can be seen from outer space! Now that is mind-blowing. The reef lies just off the northeast coast of Queensland and is said to be a major tourist attraction all year round because of it's consistently warm and sunny weather.
If the thought of using an air tank as your life support scares you, there are plenty of other ways to still experience the beauty of the Great Barrier Reef. Some exciting alternatives are snorkelling, parasailing, a helicopter ride, a hot air balloon ride, kayaking, boating and much more.
Personally they all sound quite exciting, but I'd prefer to be face to face with the colorful creatures. There's something I find so incredibly calming about scuba diving when all you can hear is the rise and fall of your breath. Your eyes are the window to an entire world so foreign and unknown and you realize you are the visitors down there.
One of these days I'll make my way to see this beautiful masterpiece God created. It really blows my mind to think of all the beauty that I've yet to see in this world.
Happy Diving!

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