Sunday, August 28, 2011

Destination Spotlight: Tree Camping on the Pacific Coast; Elk, California

Have you contained your excitement yet? If you're any bit like me, you're still in awe of the beauty of this photo, the concept that you can actually camp in a tree, and that this would be one of the greatest dates ever! (Ahem, future husband I hope you read this someday.)

Welcome to the world of Tree Camping. A fast-growing adventure that, if you can believe, has been tracked all the way from beautiful California across the world to Japan, South Africa, and many other countries. Not to scare you away, but as I looked into this amazing adventure, it is a lot more complicated than this serene picture implies. Renting all of the necessary equipment and the process of actually getting up into the tree seems to be a little on the tricky side.

I wasn't quite able to find the price of this adventure either, which usually isn't a good sign but I'd like to think that the experience would be beyond worth it. The "Treeboat" bed is designed to hang from branches and comes with a mosquito net, blankets, and a pillow. Just add a nice glass of wine and a good book and I'll be a happy camper! (pun intended)

Life is incredibly beautiful, don't you agree?

*For more information on Tree Camping, visit here. Information and picture taken from


  1. ahh I want to do this! It looks so fun!

  2. Count me in! It's on my bucket list!! ~sandra

  3. WOW!! Where did you find/hear about this?! Sounds amazing!!

  4. This does look very fun! By the way, I once slept in my friend's treehouse that he built and lived it. We climbed up (not so hard as it seems) the redwood, and we repelled down on a rope (like one for climbing). This looks magical! Thanks for the photos.

  5. This looks ammmmaazzziinggg!

  6. This looks like a lot of fun...but definitly could not do this one, I am afraid of heights! Happy travels!


  7. Thank you everyone for your comments! I've been collecting photos of wonderful places and exciting adventures for a while now and this has been a great outlet to showcase them! This one in particular is one of my favorites :)

  8. thanks for sharing, I wish I could make it there before I'm too old! :)

  9. future wifey I just read it :P lol
    but amazing pic and really awesome idea for a wonderful date

  10. wine? yes...but how would you pee?? lol

  11. Would like to make a trip. Do you know of any other camping resorts operations that provide this experience? The link is no longer found.

  12. so how do you do it? i seriously want to and can' find info on how to...

  13. This is WRONG. Those images are for a tree camping site in GERMANY! It does NOT exist in California.

    1. The camping site in Germany isn't close to the sea, so this picture wasn't shot there.

  14. yeah but how do you find out where to go and make reservations

  15. Picture was made by NG photographer Louie Psihoyos. Here you can find the complete set.
    As you can read in his page, that's not a resort, it was just a group who decided to stay on trees.

  16. What if you have to use the restroom? :/

    1. Hang it over the edge .. or climb down..


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